Youth Lessons

All classes taught by LG Tennis staff. Minimum of 3 players or 2 paying for 3. Drop-in fee is $30 for 1 1/2H classes, $25 for 1H classes, $15 for 1/2H classes, limited to space available, no refund for missed classes

Youth Tennis (7-9 year old/orange ball)

Session Dates: September 4th-November 20th
Day/Time: Wednesday 3:15-4:15pm
Cost: 12 weeks: $365 Min/Max:4/6

Class Description: Emphasis for this age group is on rally skills using both forehand and backhand ground strokes. Students will be taught other skills needed to play a complete game of tennis including serves and returns of serve as well as learn simple tactics and introduction to rules of tennis. Orange dot ball will be used for adjusted striking zone adapted to their height in order to hit over the net with consistency.

Youth Tennis (10-12 year old, green dot ball)

Session Dates: September 4th-November 20th
Day/Time: Wednesday 4:15-5:15pm
Cost: 12 weeks: $365 Min/Max:4/6

Class Description: Students will learn the basics of a rally by using forehand and backhand ground strokes. Overhand serve will be introduced and the return of serve is emphasized as well as volley, approach shot and overhead skill. Understanding singles and doubles play, develop the tactics for different playing situations, shot selection and court positioning will be covered as well. Green dot ball that moves a little faster and travels farther but still has a lower bounce than the yellow ball will be used for adapted development of the students’ tennis skills.

Junior Tennis 13-14 year olds (Beginners/Semi-Beginners)

Dates: September 9th- November 18th (no class on 11/11)
Day/Time: Monday 3:30-4:30pm
Cost: 10 weeks: $305 Min/Max:4/8

Class Description: This class offers girls and boys aged 13 to 14 the opportunity to learn sound fundamentals of the game, including groundstrokes, serves, returns, net play techniques, basic strategy and rules of tennis using Yellow ball so they can feel confident to practice autonomously at the end of the session.